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NAACP Greater Grand Rapids Branch, Michigan
Amending the City of Grand Rapids Administrative Policy on the Acquisition and Use of Surveillance Equipment and Services by all City entities to prevent the violation of civil liberties and the over policing of Black, Indigenous, and People Of Color communities.
The Committee for Criminal Justice Transparency, (including the Kalamazoo County Public Defender’s Office; ISAAC; Truth, Healing, and Transformation; and the NAACP Kalamazoo, Michigan Branch​)
Drafted the Prosecutorial Open Database resolution to create a publicly accessible online database containing all arrests within Kalamazoo County, all criminal charges issued by the Office of the Prosecuting Attorney, and all criminal court outcomes broken down by race, gender, and location.
Collaborative Efforts
Over the years Mayers Strategic Solutions, LLC has had the opportunity to work closely with many different organizations and government departments to achieve necessary change in communities all across the country.
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